Here is a lifehack courtesy of Supplements for Work: When tracking your package, you can usually intercept it at any post office as soon as it arrives. This does not include USPS shipping warehouses.
For example, if you ordered USPS Priority Express and your package is tracked to your local post office, but your postman usually doesn’t deliver the mail until 2 p.m., you can go to the post office as soon as they open (9 a.m. in most cities) and ask that they find your package before it is loaded on your postman’s truck for delivery. Keep in mind that you are asking the postal worker at the counter for a favor and that they are not obligated to sort through piles of mail to find your package, but this lifehack works 9 times out of 10. Tere is only a small window between when the package arrives at your local USPS facility, is sorted, then loaded onto the mail truck for delivery, but you may be able to save yourself half a day of waiting for your package to be delivered.
You can also request that USPS hold your package so that you can intercept it here.